Thursday, December 11, 2014

Who Is Controlling Your Life? You, God, Or The Devil?

Concerning the believers authority you need to recognize:
  • Satan has already been dealt with by God
  • Jesus endured God’s wrath at the cross
Your job is to stand in faith and enforce what the Lord has already done through His death, burial, and resurrection by telling the people the truth.

Satan is not controlling people through some demonic power, he has no power.  Satan controls you through your mind by telling lies and deception.  Your life goes in the direction of your dominant thought, so do not let the junk in this world fill your mind.  This is how Satan hinders God through our thoughts.

Christians have a relationship with the Almighty God; they are not religious controlled by mans rules.

People think, if I just pray and ask, I can receive, but there’s more to it than just praying and believing:
  • You must cooperate with God’s spiritual laws
  • God cooperates through you when you get your heart and mind stayed on Him
For the mind of the flesh is death; but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace.  Romans 8:6. 
Being Word minded—you will have life and peace

It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I (Jesus) have spoken unto you are spirit, and are life.  John 6:63.

To put the full armor of God you need to set your heart to seek the Lord and meditate on His word.
You can win the fight with God's word, but you must fight to win to know God's word, so anything the devil throws at you in your mind or health, you will be ready to fight back.

You understand the spiritual significance of your choices:
  • Words and action
  • The battle is in your mind
  • God or Satan
There is two kingdoms:
  • The kingdom of darkness, Satan—Law—doing things on your own
  • The kingdom of light, God—Grace—willing to turn to God depending on Him
When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you still have to turn from the system of this world in order to live in the reality of God’s kingdom.  You are now born of heaven and ambassadors for Christ.  You now have another government, and another country—the kingdom of God.

Once you are born again the Comforter—Holy Spirit—lives inside of every believer.  You come into the kingdom of God and at the same time the kingdom of God comes inside of you.  God’s plan is for the kingdom of God to spread throughout the entire earth.

You are to do greater works than Jesus; because He goes to the Father. The Comforter is with you forever.  John 14:12,16.

The Holy Spirit made the whole kingdom available to all who believe on Jesus, and in you and through you the Holy Spirit will cause the kingdom to manifest in earth as it is in heaven.

In the kingdom, God has provided everything you need here on earth:
  • Understanding, wisdom, peace, joy
  • Health, prosperity, provision, and protection
  • Holy Spirit is within us to help us access every natural and supernatural thing you need.
Be not anxious for your life, what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor yet for your body, what you shall put on. Is not the life more than the food, and the body than the cloths.  For after all these things do the Gentiles seek; for your heavenly Father know that you have need of all these things.  But seek you first His kingdom, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.  Matthew 6:25, 32-33.

A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you.  Psalms 91:7.

As ambassadors, you are to take over to dominate this territory and make it like heaven.  To go out just as Jesus did doing good in feeding the multitude, help the poor, bring people to Christ, and healing all those that were oppressed of the devil.  God was with Jesus and He is with you. 

When Adam and Eve fell they became:
  • Self-conscious rather than God-conscious
  • Sense-oriented instead of Spirit led
  • Limited to information in their minds rather than revelation in their hearts
Before Adam and Eve fell they:
  • Were at a higher level of understanding, victory, joy, prosperity, peace, health, and power
  • Experienced a higher level of revelation knowledge—everything was super
Jesus came to this earth as the second Adam and demonstrated the kingdom of God that will produce more than enough, where Adam and Eve operated before the fall.

There are two aspects of the gospel:
  • The gospel of Jesus Christ—brings salvation to people
  • The gospel of the kingdom—unlocks the person from the world system 
The gospel is instruction in God’s word to depend on and serve God with your heart and not the world.  It is a new order for you to live by faith.

God made you to function just like Him in the earth and He made you to govern and manage the earth and its resources.  You are to rule it and subdue it with God.  Genesis 1:28.

Jesus defeated the Devil and stripped from him all the spiritual authority that he had over Adam:
  • The keys to death and hell—as a believer, you have the keys
  • You are now free of Satan’s spiritual authority
  • You are now reconciled to God and live under God’s spiritual authority
  • You are now walking in faith and the confidence of everlasting life in God
I will give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.  Matthew 16:19.

You now have authority in Jesus name and heaven backs you up.  You can cast out devils, lay hands on the sick and they will recover. Mark 16:17-18.
You can call resources in and speak to the mountain (circumstance) and it will be removed, and every place you set your foot becomes holy ground and Satan is defeated.

The kingdom of God is on a completely different level than the world system:
  • You are able to sow a seed and receive a 30, 60, or 100-fold return
  • You were never intended to live out of your mind and flesh; you were intended to live out of the spirit
  • You were made to live by revelation in your heart
You received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is from God; that you might know the things that were freely given to you of God,  Which things also you speak, not in words which man's wisdom teach, but which the Spirit teach; combining spiritual things with spiritual words.  Now the natural man receive not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him; and he cannot know them, because they are spiritually judged.  1Cor. 2:12-14.

Most believers are still locked into this world, depending on this world as their source.  God wants you to be locked into His source, and to live like kings here on this earth.

When you receive the revelation of the kingdom of God knowing you are under a new government, you have a new King who wants to take care of you, you are able to take back all the earth’s resources and live as God created you to live.  That is when you will take the kingdom by force.

This is a list review who you are as a believer with authority:

You have a new King
You are under a new government
You are in God’s kingdom
You have the kingdom of God in you
You have the Holy Spirit (Comforter) in you to direct, guide, teach, and bring resources to you
You have the power of God in you
You are an ambassador
You reign as king and priest
You own every natural and supernatural thing
You are under His grace
Be God—conscious
Be Spirit led
You are given the keys to death and hell
Heaven backs you up
You have God’s word and life to speak to others
You are to govern and manage the earth and its resources
You are to bind the enemy and loose heavens treasures
You are to heal the sick and the oppressed by the devil
You are to cast out demons
You are to bring salvation to people
You are to bring believers to be baptized in the Holy Spirit (speaking in tongues)
I can do all things in Him that strengthens me.  Philippians 4:13.

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