Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Do You Have Problems In Your Family? God Restores Families

Many nights I had trouble sleeping worrying about my parents, my children, and my grandchildren when they became sick or when they would go out late at night wondering if they were all right.

God knows my every thought, words I speak, and what is in my heart.  You can not hide anything from your Heavenly Father, Who loves you, He knows everything.

One day I was enjoying reading God's Word in the Holy Bible and the Spirit of the Lord (Holy Spirit) revealed to me that God loves my family and wants to care for them because He cares for me.

In Genesis 1:28, When God made man and woman He told them to be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth.   God wanted me to have a family, so He can have a family to love on them.

Here are some of the stories He showed me how God loves my family:

• Abraham family became very wealthy for God was with them.  Gen 15:1—31:
• Joseph, love was restored back with his brothers and his father.  Gen 40:1---59:
• Noah and his family was protected from the animals and saved from the great flood.  Gen 7:1---11: 
• Paul and Silas in prison—there was an earthquake, jail doors opened—Jailer had fear, Jailer and his entire household became saved and baptized.  Acts 16:16-34
• Cornelius family, relatives, and friends heard the gospel and received the Holy Spirit and were baptized.  Acts 10:9-32
• Rahab a prostitute at Jericho hidden the spies to protect them and Rahab and her relatives was saved.  Joshua 2:4-24, 6:25

When I read the stories I noticed these people were not perfect, but because they believed and had faith in the Lord, God blessed them and their family in many different ways.  That is the favor of God.

There are many scriptures the Holy Spirit revealed to me so my mind would be at ease and I would not worry any more.  God can not bless my family as long as I am worrying, it will hinder Him.

Here are just a few scriptures on the family, there are many more scriptures:
  • Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with your entire household.  Acts 16:31
  • Your sons are coming home from distance lands and your little daughters will be carried home.  Isaiah 60:4
  • My Spirit will not leave them and neither will these words I have given you.  They will be on your lips and on the lips of your children and your children’s children forever.  Isaiah 59:21
  • Their children will be successful everywhere; and entire generation of godly people will be blessed.  Psalm 112:2
  • May the Lord richly bless both you and your children.  Psalm 115:14
  • I will fight those who fight you and I will save your children.  Isaiah 49:25
  • Abraham and the other patriarchs were holy, their children will also be holy.  For if the roots of the tree are holy, the branches will be too.  Romans 11:16-17
God loves you and does not want you to worry about anything.
  • Your parents, spouse, and children
  • Your friends 
  • Your health
  • Your finances and bills
The Lord said, to cast your cares on Him for He cares for you.
God wants you to trust Him, so He can take care of all your situations, you and your family are going through.

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