Sunday, December 28, 2014

Are You Ready To Be Healed? God Is Waiting On You!

Jesus one day was teaching, and the Pharisees and doctors of the law are sitting and listening, and the power of the Lord was present to heal.  A man with palsy had friends to take him to where Jesus was teaching.  They could not find a way to bring him to Jesus, because of the multitude, so they lowered him down from the roof.  Jesus watched the men bring their friend with palsy down from the roof.  When Jesus saw their faith, Jesus said your sins are forgiven and he was healed.  Luke 5:17-26.

Notice, there are two things that are present that teams up to work together:
  • The healing power of God was present
  • The recipient faith and action
There is no sickness/disease known to man can remain dominant in a person when the healing power of God is present and the recipient faith that is connected to the power.

In this story, the multitude of people and the roof was the only thing (blockage) that held back faith and the healing power to team up together to work.  Thanks to the actions of his friends they did not allow any blockage to come to prevent their friend to receive healing.

A woman with the issue of blood for twelve years and had seen many doctors and only got worse set out to see the Jesus she had heard about.  She pressed through the crowd saying if I just touch the hem of His garment I will be made whole, and she touched and the fountain of her blood dried up, and she felt her body was healed.  Immediately, Jesus felt virtue (power) had gone out of Him.  Jesus told her, her faith has made you whole.  Mark 5:25-34.

Notice, it was the crowd that stood between her faith and the healing power; and it was the healing power and her faith and action that united together to receive her healing.  She pressed on and did not quit.

Most people that have trouble receiving healing have something between their faith and the healing power.  Here are a few of them:
  • Lack of knowledge concerning the healing power
  • Not realizing the healing power is present
  • Going by what they see, feel, or heard from the doctor (circumstances)
  • Unbelievers convincing them it doesn’t work
  • Not forgiving others or yourself
And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burdens shall be taken away from off your shoulder, and his yoke from off your neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.  Isaiah 10:27

Yoke—symbol of burdens and oppression
Oppression— anything that controls you, sickness, disease, pain
Anointing—power, virtue, healing power of God

There is not a sickness/disease that can attach to your body that the anointing cannot free you from.  It doesn’t matter what name the doctor called the disease, the yoke shall be destroyed by the anointing power.

The power to free you from sickness/diseases was supplied to you through Jesus death, burial, and resurrection.  This is the power to be saved, but also the power to be healed.

Jesus is in His hometown and could only healed a few sick.  He marveled because of their unbelief. Mark 6:1-6.

Just because the healing power of God is present does not guarantee you will be healed.  Your unbelief or your need does not cause the healing power to manifest itself to heal you.  What matters is, have you connected your faith to His promises?

Here are some reasons why people do not receive the healing power of God:
  • They go by their senses---did not feel the power; in a healing line someone doesn’t fall; months go by in a church and no one received healing; trusting only certain speakers; unaware the power is there; going by what they see or feel in their body and quit believing to soon.
In Luke, the Pharisees and doctors of the law was sitting there in the healing power presence, but didn’t receive healing for they were unaware of the power that was there---they were not on Jesus side, but looking for Him to make a mistake.

The recipient must believe the healing power is present.  Reasons people do receive their healing:
  • Word of God taught/preached on healing promises—full of the living power heard and in you
  • Obedience—releases the power within the word—recipient faith and action
You are able to hear healing Scriptures to release the power every time through:
  • Church services teaching healing promises
  • Reading healing scriptures at home in your Bible
  • Gospel TV programs speaking on healing
  • CD’s on healing scriptures
  • DVD's preaching on healing
You can be in a room of unbelievers and still receive your healing when the healing power is present.
It does not take everyone in the room to be in one accord.

The man with palsy, his friends lowered him into a room of unbelievers and skeptics while Jesus is teaching,  The man received healing, and the unbelievers and skeptics did not.

The power to heal follows the Gospel healing scriptures all the time.   It takes faith and action from the recipient to release the power that is present to benefit from it. 

You can begin activating your faith by thanking the Lord and praising Him before you receive your healing. This shows God that you trust in Him and expect to receive your healing.

If you are ill in any way, just remember what has been taught to you, reading this is a big start.  God loves you and His Son died for you, so you will be free from all sicknesses, diseases, and pain.  He wants you well and to have an abundant life.  Now have faith, act on it, and receive your healing.

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