Sunday, December 28, 2014

Do You Know What Your Purpose Is? You Are On A Mission From God

The story of my life I was bullied, teased, beaten, and abused and it led to shyness.  I received my salvation by hearing God's love for me through His Word.  I got married to an abusive man and it led me to withdraw from people; and God rescued me.  God showed His love and the love of my family, and that He is real and I became on fire for Him and received the fill power of the Holy Spirit .  God put in me the love of people and to help others by volunteer where it is needed.

I am God’s masterpiece, He has created me anew in Christ Jesus, so that I can do the good things He planned for me long ago.  Ephesians 2:10.

Dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind He will accept.  When you think of what He has done for you, is this too much to ask.  Romans 12:1.
Don’t let evil get the best of you, but conquer evil by doing good.  Romans 12:21.

All of us have stories to share that relates to the hurts in our lives to others that are in or near the same situation that you were once in, and made it through by the grace of God.  Place your feet in their shoes by showing love and passion towards them.  Give from your heart and do not expect a return from them.  God will bless you in all the kindness and love you share by giving back to you the same in His timing.

You can serve at your job and community by listen to a person telling about their problems or sickness, by speaking the true Word of God and tell them about the love of Jesus and all that He has done for everyone.  You can lay of hands and command sickness/disease to be gone in Jesus name; you can share stories that  relate to their problems, or your own testimonies and then pray for them.

Another great way to help in the community is to volunteer to help someone working out in their yard, or an elderly at home, or a single mother watching over their young children or baby.

In these end time days there has been many storms from tornados, hurricanes, and floods and many victims in these storms.  You can help clean their homes and their yards, give them items, food, clothes, tell them the love of Jesus and pray to give them strength, comfort, and comfort from a lost loved one or a friend, and God's blessing.

You can bless a community by help serve or minister at homeless shelters, food pantries, and Salvation Army.

Christian camps for children is another way to help by cleaning cabins, lodges, and restrooms, rake leaves, get pools and equipment ready, repairs where needed, and a long list to get ready before the children camp starts.  When the camp starts, you can also volunteer to minister and serve the children.

 In a church you attend you can volunteer as a parking lot attendant, door or usher attendant, funeral assistant, altar care assistant, children ministry assistant, communion assistant, tithe and offering attendant, sound and light attendant, cleaning, and administration assistant.  There are many more jobs that you can do that has not been mentioned.  Here is a description of some of these jobs:

As a funeral assistant, you can bring food, help serve the food, direct the people, clean up, and send cards.

In Altar Care you can bring scripture trails to people for salvation, restoration, and Spirit filled.  You also, listen and pray for their needs.

In Children ministry you can teach stories of the Bible and of Jesus, how to pray, how to serve, how to love others and be kind to them, and bring fun activities and games.

In a Prison ministry you start by praying over the seats, have mini books ready for them to choose from, have them sign in and welcome them, tell a sermon and/or a testimony, and then do an altar care.

At a Nursing home, visit and love on the elderly.  Most of them are lonely and have been abandon from their loved ones or maybe they are the only one left in their family.  Minister to them one by one and also as a group.   Pray: healing, salvation, and other needs over them and their family visiting.

I prepared myself with these scriptures and read and listened to God's Word before heading out to any volunteer job I pursued and nations I have never been before:
  • Verily, verily, I say unto you. He that believe on Me, the works that I do shall he do also: and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.  John 14:12.
  • If you shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.  John 14:14.
  • Study this book of the Law continually. Meditate on it day and night so you may be sure to obey all that is written in it.  Only then will you succeed. I command you—be strong and courageous!  Do not be afraid or discouraged.  For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.   Joshua 1:8-9.
  • Grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak your word (boldness produces tongue talking).  Acts 4:29.
  • I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.  Philippians 4:13.
  • All of Psalms 91
Here is a list of some of the trips and tasks that I went on with other crew of volunteers doing the task that was told  for us to pursue:

In 2011, Peru mission
  • Street evangelism--command healing, salvation, hand out flyers
  • Drama at parks, streets, and churches
  • Church--sermon, testimonies, command healing, salvation, and Holy Spirit filled
  • Hospital--command healing, and salvation to patient, family, and friends visiting
In 2012, Nigeria mission
  • University--salvation, Holy Spirit filled, command healing
  • Orphanages--balloons, painting room dorms, play games, salvation
  • Street evangelism--salvation, Holy Spirit filled, hand out fliers
  • Church--sermons, command healing, salvation, Spirit filled 
In 2013, Colorado, USA  Navajo Nation mission
Ministering To Colombians In Need
  • Home evangelism--salvation, command healing, hand out flyers
  • Children ministry--puppets and balloons
  • Church--drama, sermons, command healing, salvation
In 2014 Colombia, South America mission
  • Public and Christian schools--teaching, games, balloons, drama, salvation, command healing
  • Nursing homes--command healing, prayer for needs
  • Alcohol and drug rehabs--sermon, salvation, deliverance, Holy Spirit filled
  • Homeless shelters, work release--testimonies, salvation, deliverance
  • Street and park evangelism--salvation, command healing, hand out flyers
  • In church--sermon, salvation, command healing, Holy Spirit filled  
.My goals and should be yours is to follow Jesus example:
Showing Love To Colombian School Children
  • Heal the sick, lame, blind, and diseased
  • Feed and cloth the poor
  • Care for orphans and widows in their trouble
  • Love on people
  • Sow the word
  • Pray and help the hurting
  • Bring people to Christ
  • Lay of hands to receive Holy Spirit filled
Stretch yourself, and do it for the Lord.  He will reward you.

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