Thursday, December 4, 2014

Are You Speaking Life Or Death? Pay Attention To The Words You Speak

In the beginning God created heaven, earth, and every living creature living on land and in waters:
  • God spoke and there was light
  • God spoke and there was heaven
  • God spoke and there was birds, and living creatures in the waters
  • God spoke on the sixth day and created every different type of animals
  • The last thing God spoke, let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness
Notice, by God’s faith filled word’s, He spoke everything in existence with words of power, dominion, and life.  Not because He was God, but because He had faith in His words spoken, He had authority.

God gave the same authority to man when He created him with words of power, dominion, and life, but Satan deceived Eve and Adam and knowingly gave up the authority to Satan.

Many years later, Jesus came, died on the cross, went to hell, and took the authority back from Satan, and won the victory.  Jesus had risen, and gave the same authority back to man.

Now notice, man has the same words of power, dominion, and life or death from his own tongue and speak things into existence.  There is nothing in this earth so great or so powerful, including the physical body, that it cannot be controlled by the tongue.  The entire course of nature and the circumstances surrounding every human being are controlled by that persons tongue.

When you put a metal piece (bridle) in a horse’s mouth you can control and turn the horse; and a  rudder on a boat, doesn’t matter how big or small the boat or how strong the wind is you are able to steer the boat.

Testimony, a conversation at work during break:

At break there was several of us talking about car accidents caused by deer's and how they really can destroy cars.  We also talked about where we seen many deer's at.  I told them that I have lived out in the country for six years and never had seen a deer.

That same day after work I was driving home and was driving down the road where I can see for two miles and no cars in sight.  I went across the bridge when I seen something big falling from the sky and landed on my front finder on the drivers side.  I turned my head to the left and seen a deer running through the field as if it did not get hurt.  I pulled over to see the damages to see if I could drive my car and it had a large dent, but I was able to still drive it.  I looked to the sky to see where the deer came from and noticed that there was a bluff at the end of the bridge where it must of jumped off.  I knew then that I had to watch what I say, so it will not happen in my life.

A tongue is a small thing, but enormous damage it can do.  James 3:5.
Out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing.  James 3:10.

Satan controls the circumstances of life by first planting a negative thought in our mind.   Next we meditate on that thought until we get it to drop down in our spirit. Then, out of the abundance of the heart (our spirit) our mouth will speak. Matthew 12:34.

Hear are some of the examples people say, not knowing it is entering into their life:
  • That scared me to death—that tickled me to death--I am dying to go
  • That makes me sick--I am sick and tired of this mess—I believe I am getting the flue
  • I am broke—I can’t afford it—Money don’t grow on trees—I am on a tight budget
These words spoken will cause early death, ill and tired, and always having not enough money.
A fools mouth is his destruction; and his lips are the snare of his soul.  Proverb 18:7.

God tells you to watch the words you say, for your words lead you to your destiny.  If you do not like how your life is going then change the way you speak, also change the way you think.  Each word spoken and words you hear is bringing something into your life.

The news, shows we watch, music we listen to, radio, and games we play (x-box, nintendo, etc.) are feeding us the wrong thoughts.

A program talks about a disease and the symptoms of signs of the disease, first thing you start thinking, then you talk to other people what you heard, you may start looking and notice that you have some of the symptoms, you start worrying, then most always you receive the disease.

Those who love to talk will experience the consequences for the tongue can kill or nourish life. Proverb 18:21.


My mother would go to the doctor and have skin cancers removed.  She would then come home and tell me I need to be concern for I had fair skin.  I spoke and said I don’t claim it for I don’t want it.  This went on for a few years.  The words she sown started affecting my thoughts. I started looking and wondering, and finally I went to the doctor just to ease her mind, and then I heard that I had the worst kind of skin cancer formed on my body.

My mother loved me and was just looking out for me, she did not know or understand that she was sowing words to cause the cancer.

There is one who speaks like the piercing of a sword; but the tongue of the wise promotes health. Proverbs 12:18.

God has given you the authority to speak to a disease or sickness in the name of Jesus over your family, friends, and yourself.

We are to speak pleasant words to others for we are to love one another as we love ourselves.

The mouth of the righteous is a well of life; but violence covers the mouth of the wicked. Proverbs 10:11.

If you are tired of having lack of money, being unhealthy, or being alone it is not too late to change.  Quit listening to the devil.  Start changing your thoughts on what God says you have in His word, then speak those words out load until you get it in your heart (spirit).

Pleasant words are as a honeycomb sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.  Proverb 16:24.

Ask God to help you say pleasant words, so your life and everyone around you will have a healthy and prosperous life.

Here is a prayer you can pray that will set your life in the right direction:

Heavenly Father
In the name of Jesus, I make quality decisions to take control of my tongue.
I reject and repent of every word I have spoken against You and Your operation in my life.  I cancel the power of those words and dedicate my mouth to speaking Your words.
As Your child, I confess that I am healed by Your strips, I am filled with Your mighty Holy Spirit, I have the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ, I am victories in every area of my life, because You made it so.
I thank You God that I am no longer double minded by the words of my mouth.  I let the word of Christ dwell in me richly in all wisdom.
In Jesus name

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