Sunday, December 28, 2014

Do You Need A Favor? God Wants To Bless You Today

Christ redeemed you from the curse of the law, being made a curse for you.  That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that you might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.  Galatians 3:13-14.

God promised to give the whole earth to Abraham and his descendants because Abraham trusted God to keep His promise.

When you receive Christ Jesus, you are the child of God through faith,  Galatians 3:9.
God promised to bless you if you trust Him.  Whatever God did for Abraham, He will do for you, and God gave him favor.  Favor is the nature of God.

Testimony, tires to my car:

One day a lady came to me and said, "I am told to buy you four new tires."  I told her, "she did not need to do this," but she insisted and said to me, "I know, but the Lord told me to do this."  I knew I had one bad tire, because I had to put my spare on.  She told me where to go and to pick out the tires I wanted for my car, so I did.  When the tire company changed my tires, they told me it was a good thing I came in, because the steal was showing through and I would have been stranded on the rode.  She came and wrote a check and paid the full amount.  That was the favor of God.

God told Abraham to come out of his country and from his kin folk. Abraham’s part was to come out of the worldly system he depended on; and depend on God’s Kingdom system. Abraham only received the blessing when he left the worldly way and blessed others. He kept his contract with God, and God blessed him, and blessed him to be a blessing to others.
I am going to bless you and make your name great and you are going to be a blessing. Genesis 12:2.

You receive the favor of God in your life when your heart, words, and actions line up with the word of God.  God’s blessing are given to us by faith, and faith manifest God’s favor.  Many times a person’s faith is not developed because they are feeling condemned, they are thinking about their sins they committed.
In Hebrew 10:17, and 8:12, His Word says, sins and iniquities will I remember no more.

Your self-image has a lot to do with what God can do for you and where you can go in your life.  For example:

Moses sent 12 spies out to spy out the land and Joshua and Caleb received the promise land. 

In  Number 13:30, Caleb said, let us go up at once and possess it: for we are well able to overcome it.  Joshua and Caleb knew God’s power and promises, they knew who they were, God’s chosen people.

God wants the wealth of the wicked to end in your hands, and He gave it to Joshua and Caleb, that is
God’s favor.

The other ten spies self-image thoughts, we are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we, we were in our own sight like grasshoppers and so are we in their sight.  They didn’t receive the promise land for they had a bad image of themselves and did not know or trust in God.

When the favor of God is on you, you cannot be defeated, it overrides everything.

Testimony, worked at a company and God promoted me:

I worked at another manufacture company where a supervisor would plot and scheme against me.  They would have a meeting and changed the procedures on our job.  The next day, I would do the new procedure as directed when she would come up to me and ask me, "why I was doing my job that way."  I  reminded her about the meeting she had and the directions of the new procedures. Then she would tell me only, to do the old procedure, so I obeyed. Two days later, she would get on me for doing my job the old way and would bring someone higher then her to see that I was not doing the new procedure.  All of this was to keep me from getting a raise.  This went on for over 3 years.

One morning I woke up getting ready to go to a funeral when the Lord told me to move out of state to Oklahoma and go to school at Rhema Bible Training College.  When I returned to work I told the company the Lord gave me a promotion and I gave them my two weeks notice.  The supervisor that schemed against me was not excited, but her boss was excited for me and wanted to hear more.  A year later, I found out my x-supervisor got demoted doing the same job I once did.

For promotion comes neither from the east, nor the west, nor from the south, but God is the judge: He puts down one, and set up another.  Psalms 75:6-7.

Joseph went from a slave and by grace became an overseer over Pharaoh’s house.  Satan (enemy) seen the favor Joseph had with God and tried to take that favor from Joseph through Pharaoh’s wife, but Joseph could not go against his master and God.  Pharaoh's wife lied, and Joseph ended up in prison, but God was not finished and had Joseph promoted over the entire administration department in prison.  Joseph kept the right attitude, he didn’t go and feel sorry for himself or murmured and complained.  A bad attitude could mean your faith is not working.  By the favor of God Joseph was promoted again as Prime Minister over all of Egypt.

Let the people praise you, O God; let all the people praise you. Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us.  Psalm 67:5-6.
In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.  Luke 2:52.
Favor is crucial to Jesus ministry, even Satan tried to tempt Jesus with favor.  The people would push and press against Jesus because of His favor.  Healing, deliverance, feeding the multitude, and protection is all the favor of God.  God can save by many people or save by a few.

God needs a person to intercede and to pray for God to rescue someone out of a situation.

Testimony, I prayed for my children to receive financial blessing:

My youngest daughter was in a Good Will store looking for cloths for her children, and her husband and children stayed in the car.  A man drove up and got out, and knocked on the window and asked if his name was John, and he said, "yes." The unknown man gave him money and drove off.

God is not calling us to use our own ability, He is going to do these things by His grace/favor.

Esther was in a very good position to save the Jews, “such a time as this.” She prayed and fasted for 3 days, and put herself in God’s hand by faith and demanded the favor of God by operating in the righteousness of God.  Faith is what Esther had when she walked in the kings court.  The king was in the royal house and Esther stood in the inner court and she obtained favor in his sight.  Favor is what Esther had when she walked out of the kings court.   Ester saved all the Jews and God’s favor reversed laws on her and the Jews behalf.  Esther 8:5.

The favor of God by faith brings you:
  • Protection
  • Supernatural increase
  • Preferential treatment
  • The answers to the petition of your prayer
These angels are only servants, they are assigned to assist us as heirs of salvation.  Hebrew 1:14.

Gods favor can provide you with insight about future happenings and put you ahead of the game over your company, ministry, and other competition.

God’s favor makes things easier, it is the anointing that takes the struggle out of everything.  It gives you a sweeter victory.

Always keep a kingdom mind set, not religion, but a life of Zoe, a God kind of life.

Confess daily to activate by faith the favor of God:
  • I have the favor of God upon me
  • I have the favor of God that surrounds me
  • I have the favor of God that follows me
  • I have the favor of God coming in and going out
  • I am blessed and highly favored
Now watch the favor come into your life.

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