Sunday, December 28, 2014

Are You In A Crisis Situation? God Can Restore Your Life

Years ago I had a daughter that was with a wrong crowd of people and was addicted to a drug for eight years.  At first, she was doing a pretty good job of hiding it from everyone, but I knew something was not right, her personality was not the same.  I began to pray to my Heavenly Father to help her.

In her seventh year, she ended up divorced and lost her home.

In her eighth year, she could not hide her addiction very well, yet she still claimed she was not taking anything.  Her personality was totally out of control.  She got arrested twice overnight and released, she lost her job, her apartment, and her car. 

Her third time arrested it was a different story, she was not released the next day.  She called me on the third day crying and asking me to help her get out of jail that she is about to loose her children.  She said that all her friends, including her x-husband went to prison, and she was afraid she was next.  I explained that I could not help her that I just bought a home and most all my money went into it. I also reminded her that she lost everything and she needed to clean up her life before she looses her children, she agreed, but thought it was to late.  I reminded her that she is a child of God and only He can help her and that she needed to pour out her heart to Him just like she was pouring out her heart to me asking for help.  I told her to pray asking forgiveness and that I would pray also.

I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry.  He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire.  He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.  He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God.  Many will see what He has done and be astounded.  They will put their trust in the Lord.  Psalm 40:1-3.

On the tenth day, she was set free from jail with no bond, she was delivered from the drug with no rehab and cravings.

Within a month she received a new job, in 6 months she received a large raise, and within 1 year a promotion.  Within 18 months from her arrest she had a new car, owned a home, and love restored back into her and her children.

Six years later, she is a beautiful young lady with peace and joy in her heart, is a wonderful mother and now grandmother, and she sold her house and now has a much larger home.

Only our Heavenly Father could rescue my daughter and give her back all that she had lost, she could not of done any of this on our own, There is nothing impossible with God, only in man.  God has the power and wisdom to know what to do.  He loves you and cares for you.

Parents, if you have children that are addicted to anything just keep on praying and never giving up.  Do not go by what you see or hear, just trust in God and His Word, He is working behind the scene that we can not see.  His Word does not go void, not less you do not have faith in Him.  If you noticed, I started praying for my daughter before she lost everything, I was not moved by what I hear or see, I am only moved by what God said in His Word. His Word says my children are blessed, godly, set free from the enemy, and standing firm.  When you keep praying and standing on God's Word the devil (enemy) fights harder, but God delivers them from all their afflictions.

But the children of the godly will go free.  Proverb 11:21.

But the children of the godly stand firm.  Proverb 12:7.

If you are reading this message and you are addicted to anything and in your heart you want to be delivered, do not give up there is hope for you.  Cry out to the Heavenly Father and pour out your heart to Him, He dose listen and wants to help you, and deliver you from your addictions.  God is love and He loves you and wants to care for you, but God can not do anything until you confess it from your mouth what you want, believe in your heart that God will deliver, act on it, expect it, and receive it, it is up to you.  You have not, because you asked not.

I want to point out and make it clear that God does not give sickness, diseases, pain, death, addictions, or anything else to you.  Jesus died for you so you would be delivered from all these things.  Only Satan/Devil will give this to you, he is out to destroy you.

The thief (Satan) comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy,  I (Jesus) came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).  John 10:10.




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