Friday, February 27, 2015

Did You Loose A Loved One? There Is an Answer

Years ago, before I knew about the healing power of God, I lost my dad through a deadly disease.  Before he passed away he was in a comma and the nurse said, “the ears are the last thing to go that he would be able to hear you speaking”, so I held his hand and started speaking to my dad after the nurse left and I was alone with him. 
I told him “I loved him and he was a wonderful sweet dad”.  I reassured him that I would take care of mom and that the both of us will be fine and not to worry.  Since I was a believer in Jesus Christ, but still a baby Christian not knowing much of the Bible I asked him, “I know there is a heaven and a hell and I know you are a believer in Jesus Christ and that you would go to heaven, but I do not know if you go straight there when you pass away or if you stay in the earth until Jesus Christ comes to get us?  I do not know how you will do it, you may have to ask Jesus Christ, but if you could squeeze my hand and let me know that you can give me, mom, and my youngest brother the answer it would give me peace”.  It took about a minute and he squeezed my hand.  Later that night at home I felt in my spirit that he had passed away. It was not long afterwards I received a phone call from a relative to confirm what I had felt.
A few months later, I went to bed for the night and not long afterwards my dad was standing there in my room smiling from ear to ear and there was peace in his eyes.  He started talking, but not through his mouth, but mind to mind letting me know everything is fine and that he loved me and will see me in heaven soon.  I wanted to give him a hug, but then he disappeared.
Two weeks later, I visited with my mom and told her all about dad visiting me.  With tears in her eyes she asked me, “what day and approximate time all this had happened”?  I told her the approximately time and day and she said, “He came to visit me on the same day”.  A month later it was Thanksgiving holiday and my brothers came for the day to visit.  My oldest brother came first and mom wanted me to tell the story about dad, so I did.  He was glad we received a visit from him, but wished dad had visited with him too.  I had to explain I did not mention his name at the hospital.  My youngest brother finally arrived and I told him the story and he asked, “what day and about what time I seen him”, I told him and he said, “he seen dad that same day, but did not want to tell anyone for he thought everyone would think he was making it up”.
I knew my dad was in heaven with the Heavenly Father in great health, peace, and joy, but I still missed him.  It took about five years before I could finally talk about him without crying.
In the year of 2009, I lost a friend, x-husband, an uncle, two aunts, and my sweet mother that was just as much as a friend to me for we hung out and did fun stuff together.
One day before she became ill, I went to visit with my mother and she was crying and I asked, “Why are you crying”?  She began telling me that she is the only one left on her side of the family and she did not know why she was still alive.  I explained to her she had her children and grandchildren and that she was not the last one, but she said “it was not the same”. 
The Lord showed me in March a week before her birthday that my mother was lying in a casket, and I cried out “not my mom”.  I gave her a birthday party that weekend and a week later she started having health problems and was going in and out of the hospital for eight months.  When she lived with me her vital signs and health was reading fairly normal. (I learned later, it was because of the authority I had keeping the enemy, Satan, out of my home).  She wanted to go home in her apartment and when she did, her vital signs would read high or drop below level to near death. 
One day after taking my mother to the doctor, she cried out to me, “I want to go home to Jesus; I know I will be healed”. A couple of weeks later, she ended in the hospital and the doctor said, “Her body is shutting down and there was nothing they could do”.  I took her to my home to take care of her, read the Bible and played gospel music that she enjoyed listening too. 
This went on for two weeks, then one day I read a book in the Bible to her and when I finished, I just looked at her frail body of nothing but skin and bones, and seeing her in great pain.  I started praying silently, “Lord take her out of this pain, she said she wanted to go home to Jesus and then she would be healed”.  Then ever so gently, I felt a hand rest on my right shoulder and received comfort and peace.  When this occurred, I saw my mother’s eyes looked from over my right shoulder to my eyes, and again to my right shoulder and back.  When I noticed she was able to see the Spirit of the Lord, I turned as if I would see Him and placed my hand onto my right shoulder where His hand was resting, and when I did, the gentle hand lifted up, and I saw my mother’s eyes turn back to Him.  A minute later, my mother’s eyes turned back to my eyes and she slowly moved her arm and hand and pointed to her heart, and then pointed straight up to heaven to let me know she was going to heaven.  I jumped up out of my chair and went to her letting her know I knew, and that I loved her and will miss her, but my family and I will see her soon; for I knew the rapture of the saints would be coming soon.  Later that night my mother passed away.
I was lonely and missing my mother and I cried out to the Lord, “please take the pain from my heart and give me comfort for I do not want to have this pain like I did with my dad”.  Then the Lord told me to turn to the Bible in Isaiah 57:1 (NLT) stating, “Good people pass away; the godly often die before their time.  But no one seems to care or wonder why.  No one seems to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come”.  When I read this it gave me the understanding why my parents were taken at an early age and God’s Word gave me the comfort I needed. 
In 2013, one day the Lord told me that my mother was crying to go home to Him.  The Lord showed me it was on the day when I found my mother crying about her being the last one left on her side of the family.  We do not know when our loved ones get depressed and ask the Lord to go home (heaven) early.
I hope this verse and the testimony will help you.  There is hope to see your loved one again. Receive Jesus Christ into your heart, stay in God’s Word, walk in love and be a light to shine in the world.  Jesus Christ is coming soon to unite us with the Heavenly Father and our loved ones.  Be blessed in the Lord.

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