Friday, February 27, 2015

Did You Loose A Loved One? There Is an Answer

Years ago, before I knew about the healing power of God, I lost my dad through a deadly disease.  Before he passed away he was in a comma and the nurse said, “the ears are the last thing to go that he would be able to hear you speaking”, so I held his hand and started speaking to my dad after the nurse left and I was alone with him. 
I told him “I loved him and he was a wonderful sweet dad”.  I reassured him that I would take care of mom and that the both of us will be fine and not to worry.  Since I was a believer in Jesus Christ, but still a baby Christian not knowing much of the Bible I asked him, “I know there is a heaven and a hell and I know you are a believer in Jesus Christ and that you would go to heaven, but I do not know if you go straight there when you pass away or if you stay in the earth until Jesus Christ comes to get us?  I do not know how you will do it, you may have to ask Jesus Christ, but if you could squeeze my hand and let me know that you can give me, mom, and my youngest brother the answer it would give me peace”.  It took about a minute and he squeezed my hand.  Later that night at home I felt in my spirit that he had passed away. It was not long afterwards I received a phone call from a relative to confirm what I had felt.
A few months later, I went to bed for the night and not long afterwards my dad was standing there in my room smiling from ear to ear and there was peace in his eyes.  He started talking, but not through his mouth, but mind to mind letting me know everything is fine and that he loved me and will see me in heaven soon.  I wanted to give him a hug, but then he disappeared.
Two weeks later, I visited with my mom and told her all about dad visiting me.  With tears in her eyes she asked me, “what day and approximate time all this had happened”?  I told her the approximately time and day and she said, “He came to visit me on the same day”.  A month later it was Thanksgiving holiday and my brothers came for the day to visit.  My oldest brother came first and mom wanted me to tell the story about dad, so I did.  He was glad we received a visit from him, but wished dad had visited with him too.  I had to explain I did not mention his name at the hospital.  My youngest brother finally arrived and I told him the story and he asked, “what day and about what time I seen him”, I told him and he said, “he seen dad that same day, but did not want to tell anyone for he thought everyone would think he was making it up”.
I knew my dad was in heaven with the Heavenly Father in great health, peace, and joy, but I still missed him.  It took about five years before I could finally talk about him without crying.
In the year of 2009, I lost a friend, x-husband, an uncle, two aunts, and my sweet mother that was just as much as a friend to me for we hung out and did fun stuff together.
One day before she became ill, I went to visit with my mother and she was crying and I asked, “Why are you crying”?  She began telling me that she is the only one left on her side of the family and she did not know why she was still alive.  I explained to her she had her children and grandchildren and that she was not the last one, but she said “it was not the same”. 
The Lord showed me in March a week before her birthday that my mother was lying in a casket, and I cried out “not my mom”.  I gave her a birthday party that weekend and a week later she started having health problems and was going in and out of the hospital for eight months.  When she lived with me her vital signs and health was reading fairly normal. (I learned later, it was because of the authority I had keeping the enemy, Satan, out of my home).  She wanted to go home in her apartment and when she did, her vital signs would read high or drop below level to near death. 
One day after taking my mother to the doctor, she cried out to me, “I want to go home to Jesus; I know I will be healed”. A couple of weeks later, she ended in the hospital and the doctor said, “Her body is shutting down and there was nothing they could do”.  I took her to my home to take care of her, read the Bible and played gospel music that she enjoyed listening too. 
This went on for two weeks, then one day I read a book in the Bible to her and when I finished, I just looked at her frail body of nothing but skin and bones, and seeing her in great pain.  I started praying silently, “Lord take her out of this pain, she said she wanted to go home to Jesus and then she would be healed”.  Then ever so gently, I felt a hand rest on my right shoulder and received comfort and peace.  When this occurred, I saw my mother’s eyes looked from over my right shoulder to my eyes, and again to my right shoulder and back.  When I noticed she was able to see the Spirit of the Lord, I turned as if I would see Him and placed my hand onto my right shoulder where His hand was resting, and when I did, the gentle hand lifted up, and I saw my mother’s eyes turn back to Him.  A minute later, my mother’s eyes turned back to my eyes and she slowly moved her arm and hand and pointed to her heart, and then pointed straight up to heaven to let me know she was going to heaven.  I jumped up out of my chair and went to her letting her know I knew, and that I loved her and will miss her, but my family and I will see her soon; for I knew the rapture of the saints would be coming soon.  Later that night my mother passed away.
I was lonely and missing my mother and I cried out to the Lord, “please take the pain from my heart and give me comfort for I do not want to have this pain like I did with my dad”.  Then the Lord told me to turn to the Bible in Isaiah 57:1 (NLT) stating, “Good people pass away; the godly often die before their time.  But no one seems to care or wonder why.  No one seems to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come”.  When I read this it gave me the understanding why my parents were taken at an early age and God’s Word gave me the comfort I needed. 
In 2013, one day the Lord told me that my mother was crying to go home to Him.  The Lord showed me it was on the day when I found my mother crying about her being the last one left on her side of the family.  We do not know when our loved ones get depressed and ask the Lord to go home (heaven) early.
I hope this verse and the testimony will help you.  There is hope to see your loved one again. Receive Jesus Christ into your heart, stay in God’s Word, walk in love and be a light to shine in the world.  Jesus Christ is coming soon to unite us with the Heavenly Father and our loved ones.  Be blessed in the Lord.

Friday, February 6, 2015

What Kind of Life Are You Living? God’s Way or Yours?

A man had two sons.  The younger son told his father, I want my share of your estate now before you die.  So his father agreed to divide his wealth between his sons.
A few days later his younger son packed all his belongings and moved to a distant land, and there he wasted all his money in wild living.  About the time his money ran out, a great famine swept over the land, and he began to starve, Luke 15:11-14.  (When his money was gone, so was the women and friends he partied with.  They would not help him.)

He persuaded a local farmer to hire him, and the man sent him into his fields to feed the pigs.  The young man became so hungry that even the pods (slop) he was feeding the pigs looked good to him.  But no one gave him anything.
When he finally came to his senses, he said to himself, At home even the hired servants have food enough to spare, and here I am dying of hunger!  I will go home to my father and say, Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son.  Please take me on as a hired servant.

So he returned home to his father.  And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming.  Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him, Luke 15:15-20. (The son was dirty and stinks, smelling like pig.)  His son said to him, Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son, Luke 15:21.  (The father heard his son repent, but did not allow him to continue on with his words.)

But his father said to the servants, Quick!  Bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him.  Get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet.  And kill the calf we have been fattening.  We must celebrate with a feast, for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life.  He was lost, but now he is found.  So the party began, Luke 15:22-24.

Meanwhile, the older son was in the fields working.  When he returned home, he heard music and dancing in the house, and he asked one of the servants what was going on.  Your brother is back, he was told, and your father has killed the fattened calf.  We are celebrating because of his safe return.
The older brother was angry and wouldn’t go in.  His father came out and begged him, but he replied, All these years I have slaved for you and never once refused to do a single thing you told me to.  And in all that time you never gave me even one young goat for a feast with my friends.  Yet when this son of yours comes back after squandering your money on prostitutes, you celebrate by killing the fattened calf!  (He refused to call him his brother.)

His father said to him, Look, dear son, you have always stayed by me, and everything I have is yours.  We had to celebrate this happy day.  For your brother was dead and has come back to life!  He was lost, but now he is found!  Luke 15:25-32.

In this story the Spirit of the Lord revealed to me some important key factors that He pointed out to me on the righteousness we have in God and how you are missing out on the blessing of God.  Here is what He said:

The father in this story is the Heavenly Father, the creator of all life and material sources, He owns everything.  He has two sons that He loves and that believes in Him.

The oldest son is a symbol of being the Church/Christian/backslidden:

The oldest son stays, believing in the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.  He is serving to earn the Father’s love by doing good works, being obedient, and being good—doing it his way, so he had the wrong attitude in his heart—living by the Law of Moses.  The son not living by the grace of God; the father always loving him from His heart, protecting, and caring for him and already gave him two thirds of His wealth—the Father’s way.

He does not know the inheritance and ownership that he has with his Father and that he had the material and financial blessing all that time.  He does not understand the true love of the Father in his life and to others.  He does not know the authority and dominion he has over the influences in his life.

The oldest son had anger, jealousy, and not forgiving his brother—blockage to the Father's blessing.
He refused to ask or accept the blessing of his Father. 

He is in bondage and does not have a true relationship with the Father, and he is without a forgiving heart toward his brother, which leads to death.

The youngest son is a symbol of the Jewish people/backslidden/restored life:

The youngest son asked and received one third of the material and financial blessing of the Father.  He is in bondage and leaves, believing he can do it on his own without the Father and left behind the Father’s greater blessing for him.  He lived his way in the worldly, ungodly way and lost everything.  He started thinking, how the servants lived with more than enough with the Father at home.  He began rehearsal of repentance and how unworthy he is toward his Father.

The Father not giving up on His son was waiting patiently for him to come home to Him.  His Father running toward him with a compassionate love for His son and embraced and kissed him with a forgiving heart.

The Father having the servants to put the best robe on him—right standing with the Father--to not see His son’s sins no more —and to reign as a king.  The Father had the servants to put a ring on his finger—to have authority and dominion.  The Father had the servants to put sandals on his feet--peace in the gospel. The Father had the servants to get the fatted calf to eat to celebrate--unlimited abundant of blessing.  The youngest son is now alive living in an abundant life with his Father.

Many believers are like the older son trying to earn their right standing with the heavenly Father by being kind, serving in the church, and working in the community, this is all good, but with the wrong reason and attitude.  You eventually lose the love and relationship you once had with your Heavenly Father.
You should want to do well and serve from the love that is in your heart for your Heavenly Father in what He has done for you.

You already have right standing with the Father through grace.  The Father wants to give you your heart’s desire and provide you with all your needs, and you do not have to earn it, just ask for it and you will receive it by faith.  You already have ownership in everything the Father owns.

The Father wants to protect and take care of you and He wants to help you in every situation you are in, good or bad.  He wants to have a loving relationship with you.  The Father’s love for you is not like any kind of love you have ever seen before.  The Father is kind, gentle, patient, and forgiving towards you.  He does not see your sins or wrong doings—you repent and He is forgiving.

The Father will never let go of you—He is waiting patiently for you to come home and allow Him to take care of you.  He loves you that He sent His only begotten Son to die for you, to save you from the enemy of destruction and death.

When you continue to have a forgiving heart towards others, you always have life and the blessing flowing your way.