Tuesday, January 13, 2015

You Do Not Have To Be Sick or Diseased? There Is A Way To Be Healed

There are two ways the power of the Lord is present to heal you, primarily through God’s word and through manifestations of the Holy Spirit.

The only way the healing power of God can free your body is for it to be administered to your body.  By confessing God’s word over your body and believing you receive it now/you take it, then thanking God and giving Him praise.

There is a number of ways that healing power of God can be administered:

One of the ways, the healing power of God was prayed into the handkerchiefs or aprons.  God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.  Acts 19:11-12.

Another way is by the spoken word.  A centurion man sent friends to Jesus, because he felt unworthy.
The centurion friends message saying, speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.  Jesus marveled over the great faith this man had in the spoken word, he understood how powerful your words are when spoken and under authority.  Luke 7:1-10.

Jesus did not come in contact with the servant, He did not touch him, no aprons or handkerchiefs were laid on him.  The servant was healed by the spoken word.  The healing power of God can be spoken into a person’s body by another believer, and your own words can be also spoken over your body.
I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, may you be lifted up and thrown into the sea, and it will happen.  But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart.  Mark 11:23

The power in the name of Jesus is another way to be healed. A crippled beggar man lame from birth at the beautiful gate asked Peter and John for money, but Peter and John administered the healing power of God to this man’s body through the name of Jesus.  The beggar faith in the Name of Jesus brought healing in his body.  Acts 3:1-7.

The anointing of oil and the prayer of faith is another way to receive God's power to be healed.
Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.   James 5:14-15.

The moment the sick person is anointed with oil, he should consider himself set apart for healing and should boldly reject sickness as it tries to dominate his body:
  • Oil-means set apart by the Lord for healing and not accept anything less
  • The prayer of faith is a prayer that receives something whenever it is used
  • We are to believe that we received the healing power of God in our physical body
Praying the prayer of faith for yourself is the one I use the most.  Therefore I say unto you, What things so ever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.  Mark 11:24.   Receive is to take it.

When you pray for healing, believe you received it, before you actually see it manifest, and thank God that the healing power of God is working in you to drive out sickness, pain, or disease.  See yourself healed and continue to thank God each day until you see total complete healing.

Jesus used laying on of hands above all other methods of healing.  Now when the sun was setting, all they that had any sick with divers diseases brought them unto Him, and He laid His hands on every one of them, and healed them.  Luke 4:40.

The moment hands are laid on you, the healing power of God is administered to the physical body and working mightily.  You should consider yourself to be recovering by faith.
Jesus spoke to the believers,---they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Mark 16:15-18

When the healing power of God is administered into your physical body, you may or may not feel the power, but it is there working mightily in you.  It takes the healing power of God and the recipient faith to receive healing, so keep the switch of faith turned on.

Exercise Your Faith:
  1. Make God’s Word the final authority---The Word says that by the stripes of Jesus you were healed (1Peter 2:24)
  2. Refuse to believe what you see and feel---Only believe the Word
  3. Refuse doubt, unbelief, and fear---When the devil whispers doubt, unbelief, and fear into your mind, deal with those thoughts immediately.  Cast them down; don’t dwell on them
  4. Meditate on God’s Word---Keep your mind fixed on the promises
  5. Cast your care on the Lord---The devil will try to use anxiety over your situation to choke the Word out of your heart so the promises will become unfruitful (Mark 4:19)
  6. Praise God for your healing---Praising God before you see a manifestation is the highest form of faith
  7. Don’t waver---James said that the person who wavers in his faith should not expect to receive anything from the Lord (James 1:6-7)
  8. Never let go---No matter what happens, continue to stand on God’s Word for your healing
  9. Listen to the Word---One of the main methods of keeping your mind renewed to the Word is to listen to it on audio or video resources like CD or DVD
  10. Confess the Word concerning your healing---It is difficult to believe you have received your healing if you are constantly talking about your sickness, pain, or disease.  Speak only words that are in agreement with God’s will for your healing

Your Healing Promises (Check these scriptures out on your own and get it into your heart)
Isaiah 53:4-5
Psalm 91:9-10, 14-16
Psalm 103:1-5
Jeremiah 30:17
John 10:10

Your Healing Prayer and Confession:

Heavenly Father
I thank You for Your Word which says that by the stripes of Jesus I were healed.  I choose to believe Your healing power went to work in my body the instant hands were laid on me (or the moment I believed Your Word).
I confess Jesus Christ as Lord over my life—spirit, soul, and body.  I have received the power of God to make me sound, whole, delivered, saved, and healed.
Sickness, disease, and pain, I resist you in the Name of Jesus.  You are not the will of God for my life.  I enforce the Word of God on you.  I will not tolerate you in my life.  My days of sickness and disease are over!
Jesus bore my sickness, weakness, and pain.  I am forever free!
Father, thank You for watching over Your Word to perform it in my behalf.  I praise You and bless You in Jesus Name.